Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happy 3 Month Birthday Savannah!!

Gosh Sonny is going to have his hands full, not to brag, but she is soooo GORGEOUS!!! So lets see at three months she plays with rattles, hits all the toys on her toy mat, smiles at anyone, laughs on her own without prompting (really funny to us too), she weights in at about 12 pounds. She loves being outside with out question, she is very alert, is almost cooing in full sentences, loves to make bubbles and I do mean loves. She is really enjoying sucking on her hands whenever she can land them in her mouth. Also she is on a very good schedule now, great for her and me, we both know when is sleep time and what is awake time. I cannot tell you how much of a blessing it has been to be able and be home with her to take in all these moments. God is soo good.

1 comment:

Melinda Denton said...

Jen, your such a pro at blogging. I've been so bad lately. Love the pics!! PI did a great job!